
Wednesday 1 December 2010


A biting cold walk around the city centre in Oslo was rewarded (as hoped) with a Peregrine. I didn't find it on the church spire where it usually hangs out but as I approached the government offices where is also is seen I looked up to see feathers floating down. A sure sign that it was up there somewhere plucking at a kill and sure enough I soon located it on a window sill on the relatively low 9th floor with a pigeon for its lunch. This quality picture taken with the mobile shows all the salient features!
Some exotic berry bearing bushes had 15 Fieldfares and 5 Blackbirds feeding on them but no Waxwings.
It is now -16C with possibly down to -20C at the weekend. At these temperatures it does start getting unpleasant if you forget to wrap up!


  1. What a place to find a Peregine!

  2. Yes indeed, quite a find you handsome young man.

  3. Handsome?
    I think I must know who you are..... :-)

  4. I thought you or someone else thought I was handsome and young! :-)
    I can tell you I am a middle aged woman, nothing else. Birding since three years only.
