
Thursday 25 March 2010

Viz Mig!

Viz mig (visible migration for the uneducated) started today in Maridalen. It wasn't a lot but there was just enough to keep me there for two and a half hours and it was finally the cold (or lack of warm clothes) that forced me to leave.
The day started with a male Merlin attacking an unidentfied passerine only yards from me which boded well. Upto eight Hawfinches were in the trees around the farmhouse at Nes and were singing their sqeaky song. The first sign of migration was small flocks of Wood Pigeons which were heading in many directions but mostly north. Whilst watching these I also became aware of small numbers of passerines (most likely Chaffinches) also flying north at height. 12 Skylarks also went north giving themselves away by the bubbly flight call. 5 Mistles Thrushes werre flying around the area, a Kestrel went through very purposely as did a Common Buzzard. A pair of Sparrowhawks were displaying, the local Raven was also flying around in what appeared to be a display flight, 23 Lapwings flew south (presumeably having failed to find anywhere suitable to the north), 5 Greylag Geese flew north and then a few minutes later came to the same conclusion as the geese and returned south.
So, it might not sound like much but in these climes this was enough to get the pulse racing.
I was joined by a couple of other birders today which made for an even more enjoyable morning. Hopefully we will find a mega this spring and cause a twitch (saying that though - 3 birders together in Norway is nearly a twitch!)

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