
Sunday 4 August 2024

Relationship update

It’s official and my Facebook status is updated accordingly:


Simon is no longer in a relationship with Fru. Gressholmen


Simon has started a relationship with Fru. Galteskjær

 I had been playing things cool and islands and ferries were kept at the back of my mind but rain and low tide at midday today meant my desires could not be ignored. Of course as I arrived at the ferry I forgot about all rejection and heartbreak and my naive optimism was going at full throttle. 

Surely Fru. Gressholmen would finally admit, and most importantly show, her love for me. As I arrived at the bay sheltering from the rain under my umbrella I could see a medium sized wader with my naked eye and convinced myself that it was a Spotted Redshank and that the fire of our love had been reignited. Upon getting my scope out though my hopes were dashed and the fire hose of rejection splashed all over me - it was a juvenile Common Redshank. A juv Greenshank was the only other wader in the bay (interesting that juveniles are now migrating) but I had to accept it - me and Fru. G will never reconcile, she has clearly moved on.

 But there is the other, more risky Fru. G – Fru. Galteskjær. She doesn’t require anything more than that you look admiringly from afar and that I did. And boy, did she reward me with a Little Stint🥳❤️. Only my second Oslo record (the first of course also being from Galteskjær) and #oslo2024 species #191 thus equalling my 2019 record. She is a keeper but she also knows her attractions and will always be a tease I fear. As we sped past and my attention was absorbed by the stint I barely registered a couple of other waders and attempts to take photos have not resulted in being able to ID them. How can I best woo her? Get off at Lindøya or Nakkholmen and view from afar with a scope? Take the ferry multiple times?? Or should I put my heart completely out there and drop visiting Fru. Gressholmen at all and make Fru. Galteskjær the full focus of my ferry ride???

To celebrate my new relationship I have given Galteskjær her own tag on the blog whereas before she has always been covered under Gressholmen.

 More rain is forecast later in the week so we will see what strategy I choose and how I fare.

arriving at the Ferry and feeling so optimistic

there was even good amounts of exposed mud but Fru. Gressholmen is not to be reconciled

Little Stint (dvergsnipe) on Galteskjær. An early juvenile

and what was this wader?

spot the Greenshank (gluttsnipe)?
there were very few Common Terns (makrellterne) left and I fear they have had a disastrous breeding season. This one had an unusual all red bill

I am now equal to 2019 (ignoring the redpoll lump) and 200 looks a possibilty

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