
Tuesday 2 May 2023

Africa migrants hit the Dale

Even though Oslo birding may have not lived up to my expectations yesterday there were apparently epic scenes of grounded migrants about 80km further south and for the lucky couple of birders who were wise enough to visit Gressholmen the reward was 2 Black-tailed Godwit which is only the fourth Oslo record and a species I need!

Today, it was sunny and after a light overnight frost temperatures rose to +12C in the afternoon. The ice on Maridalsvannet was visibly breaking up in the afternoon and will probably be mostly gone tomorrow. First bird for me this morning was singing Wryneck and I quickly found a pair that were serenading each other. It was quite a surprise to find them given that I have hardly had any other Africa migrants so far this year. They showed very well and with luck will settle down to breed. I am always fascinated when birds arrive on patch already paired up and wonder where along their migration route it has occurred. As the day warmed up I also added Swallow, House Martin, Sand Martin and Redstart to my list so it ended up being quite good but strange that I have yet to have Wheatear or Whinchat in Maridalen before all these species. I had high hopes of raptors (when do I not?) but a high flying Hen Harrier was the only migrants I found. 9 Tufted Duck on the lake were clear migrants but there were no migrant waders.

Wryneck (vendehals)

it was nice to get close to some Black-throated Divers (storlom) with the ice keeping them close to land

This Goshawk (hønsehauk) flew at the divers causing them to all emergency dive

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