
Sunday 8 May 2022

Lots to do

Three guiding sessions in two days must mean it is a covid free spring!!

It has been two good days but I had expected far more birds with southerly winds and an evening rain shower really getting my hopes up but the birds must still building up somewhere to the south and waiting for a huge rush on Oslo.

Highlights were a Little Gull, Little Ringed Plovers, both Divers, Lesser Whitethroats, Pied Flycatcher, and Yellow Wagtail. In addition we were lucky enough to witness both Chaffinch and Willow Warbler nest building. The nest of the Chaffinch in the fork of a tree was superbly camouflaged using the same lichen growing on the tree and the Willow Warblers nest was well hidden at the base of a tussock of a grass where the vegetation will soon grow and make it invisible.

On Thursday a local twitch gave me very close views of a lost 1st summer White-fronted Goose at Østensjøvannet.

I have also witnessed Little Ringed Plovers in breeding mode in Maridalen with lots of display and calling and excavating of nest scrapes. I saw excavating by presumably the same pair in different locations on Saturday and Sunday so I guess the pair goes through a process of trying a few different locations before deciding on which they will use.

2cy / 1st summer Little Gull (dvergmåke) heading north past Fornebu on Saturday

Little Ringed Plover (dverglo) excavating a nest scrape in Maridalen. They have never bred here before but the low water levels are clearly beneficial for them

Meadow Pipit (heipiplerke)

a flock of Red-throated Divers (smålom) migrating north over the Oslo-Nesodden ferry

male Grey-headed (yellow) Wagtail (gulerle) in Maridalen

the male Black Woodpecker (svartspett) taking a turn incubating

Brimstone butterfly (sitronsommerfugl) looking like a leaf

I noted my first Lesser Whitethroat (møller) of the year on Friday

getting close to Black-throated Divers (storlom)

the 2cy / 1st summer White-fronted Goose (tundragås) that is guesting ØStensjøvannet has a damaged right eye which might explain why its is not where it should be (Russia)

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