answered one of my questions regarding the Three-toed Peckers today with their
absence meaning that they were just birds moving around looking for either for a
mate and/or a breeding territory. My time in Maridalen was not wasted though
with my first Redstarts and Pied Flycatchers of the year including birds
singing and on the edge of the still frozen lake my first Common Sandpiper. The
ice is now in the process of breaking up and is drifting around a bit. Rain is
forecast tomorrow which will hopefully mean the end of the ice and also a fall
of birds although temperatures of only 2C and NE winds do not promise too much.
In the
afternoon I had a group of all three hirundines together in Maridalen but they
were moving rapidly around and I imagine not finding much food. A Wood
Sandpiper also looked a bit forlorn.
my first Pied Fly (svarthvitfluesnapper) of the year - a male feeding on the sunny edge of a copse |
and I later had this singing male |
my first Common Redstart (rødstjert) of the year was this shy male and I later heard another bird singing |
one of the breeding Whooper Swans (sangsvane) |
and 2 of 5 migrant birds on the lake |
and the first Wood Sand (grønnstilk) of the year for Oslo |
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