What a day or more precisely morning. With rain in the air I
reckoned there would be payback for the long walk out to Årnestangen and this
time those birds they really did cooperate! Nothing rare but plenty of scarce
and exciting birds and everything made easier by good light that meant that I
could grill birds with the scope in all directions and at distance.
There were so many exciting avian encounters that it is
difficult to rank them but seeing and photographing Red-throated Pipit
(lappiplerke) on the deck for the first time in Akershus must take the crown
after my moaning about this species in my post from last week. A bird flew
around the observation platform calling and as I watched and prayed it landed
on the raised walkway just 30 metres away – talk about luck! I also saw and
heard at least one more individual in flight
Raptors put on a great display for me with 9 species in
total. There were three Marsh Harriers: an adult male that was trying to pick
up a dead creature (not sure if bird or fish) out of the thick weed out in the
water, an adult female that was on view almost continually and a smart and
fresh juvenile that made a fly by.
A juvenile (and therefore new bird from last week) Hen
Harrier was also nearly continuously on view and often together with the adult
female Marsh Harrier where the size difference was extreme and had me wondering
if it was something rarer but no it was “just” a Hen and most likely a small male
whereas the Marsh was clearly a very large female. Watching a distant harrier
in the scope and trying to ascertain key features such as number of fingers is,
for me, very difficult and I do often wonder how other people can note so much
detail when they write descriptions especially on birds seen for just a few
A small (male) juvenile Goshawk sat in some branches out in
the water for a long period and tried the same tactic as the male Marsh Harrier
to try to pull a dead something out of the pond weed but like the harrier
A juvenile Merlin frequently buzzed the waders including
birds as large as Golden Plover and a juvenile Peregrine sat out on the
sandbanks probably digesting breakfast. Add to this distant Kestrel and Honey
Buzzard plus a Common Buzzard on the approach road gave a great raptor day. No
Ospreys is a clear sign of the approach of autumn.
Waterfowl didn’t disappoint either with a group of 3
Garganey, 2 Shoveler and a high count of 133 Pochards being the spice alongside
hundreds of Teal, Wigeon, Mute Swans, Barnacle and Canada Geese and at least
700 Cormorant feeding in a tight flock.
Waders were not in great numbers or variety with 4 Temminck’s
Stints the best of the bunch.
a photo of a Red-throated Pipit (lappiplerke) in Akershus! |
here the various ID features can be seen. Top left you can just make out the streaked rump, bottom left the large black malar patch and white belly, top right the long claws (eliminating Tree Pipit) and bottom right the broad pale tram lines on the back. The call helps aswell although to my ears is quite close to Tree Pipit |
juvenile Hen Harrier (myrhauk). The small size and pale iris show this to be a young male |
here the Hen Harrier is flying past a perched adult female Marsh Harrier and has flushed a load of Snipe |
the adult female Marsh Harrier (sivhauk) |
the juvenile Marsh Harrier flying over a perched juvenile Goshawk |
the adult male Mrsh Harrier trying to pull a dead creature out of vegetation in the water |
the juvenile Goshawk (hønsehauk) also tried to pull something from the water weed but failed |
juvenile Merlin (dvergfalk) |
Peregrine (vandrefalk) |
Common Buzzard (musvåk) |
and adult Sparrowhawk (spurvehauk) - quite a day for raptors! |
mummy, daddy and baby Crane (trane) |
Ringed Plovers (sandlo) and Dunlin (myrsnipe) |
the three Garganey (knekkand) although it is difficult to tell based on this picture |
the Garganey again - honestly! |
Golden Plover (heilo) |
the Merlin flying in front of the large Pochard (taffeland) flock |
can you make out the Shoveler (skjeand)? |
On the way home I stopped at Langvannet in Lørenskog. This
is where last winter’s Caspian Gull showed so well but today the rarest gull
was a 2CY Lesser Black-back which is an unusual age class in Norway. There were
any juvenile LB-bGs here and I wonder where they breed – inland breeders or
birds from the fjord? This lake is also a regular site for tame Mandarin Ducks
with hardly any other records in Akershus. Mandarin is on the Norwegian list as
a Category C species due to some records (proven by ringing?) being from the
feral populations that exist in the UK. However the vast majority of records,
judging by behaviour, locality and timing, are of birds that have a much closer
origin. The cluster of records from Langvannet strongly suggests that they are
escaping from close by and we know that multiple birds are involved as one
(more?) have been caught and ringed whereas the current bird is unringed. This
bird has also been the source of much internet discussion as when it was
discovered 3 weeks ago it was in eclipse plumage and many people refused to
accept it was a drake in eclipse plumage (despite the pink bill telling
otherwise). During the course of these weeks though it has worn into nearly
full breeding plumage which seems to happen much faster than in Mallards.
2cy Lesser Black-backed Gull (sildemåke) |
4 species of gull in juvenile plumage. Clockwise from top left: Lesser Black-backed Gull, Herring Gull (gråmåke), Black-headed Gull (hettemåke) and Common Gull (fiskemåke) |
the male Mandarin |
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